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Holistic Health is an alternative method of wellness that focuses on a whole-body approach using non-invasive modalities. Unlike traditional medical treatment, this approach offers clients foundational natural methods and coaching that can be customized for each client. Holistic Practice does not treat or cure disease, instead, it can work to support the body and create an environment for the body to heal naturally. Holistic health does not take the place of traditional medical treatment, but rather can accompany most anyone on their healing journey. 

Here at VBella Holistic Beauty & Wellness, we offer services focusing on emotional, physical & spiritual health. We focus on many issues,

including, but not limited to:

•  Anxiety   • Depression • PTSD & Trauma response 

Skin issues  • Hair thinning & loss   • Pain  • Digestive disturbance   

• Reproductive complaints  • Weight management  • Emotional regulation   

• Hormonal irregularity  • Sleep issues  • Headaches 

   • Auto-immune disruptions (including Lyme Disease complications)

Services Offered:

• Personal Success Coaching

• Homeopathy 

• EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique, tapping*) 

• Bach Flower Remedies

• Digestive Health Coaching 

• Spiritual Coaching

• Individual MRT (muscle response) Coaching

• Detox Coaching for the Home, Health & Personal Care

• Low Toxic Hair Treatments (color • cutting • styling)

Click here            to make an appointment or place a product order or simply add services/products to your cart and check out to receive an email reply.  

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By continuing to browse this site you agree to the following statement:

I understand that I am here to learn about nutrition, beauty and better health practices, that I may be offered information about but not limited to; food supplements, holistic modalities, herbs, homeopathics, remedies, intuitive messages, cosmetics, gemstones, etc. as a guide to general good health, and this is a personal/spiritual ministry. I fully understand that anyone at Beauty Through Breakthrough, LLC d/b/a VBella who counsels me is not a medical doctor and I am not here for medical diagnostic purpose or treatment procedures. I am not on this website, or any other page social media or other wise​ associated with Beauty Through Breakthrough, LLC d/b/a VBella or it's affiliates, an agent for federal, state or local agencies or on a mission of entrapment or investigation. The statements made here are at all times restricted to consultation on beauty, nutritional and lifestyle matters intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of natural health, and do not involve the diagnosing, treatment or prescribing of remedies for disease. I do not hold Beauty Through Breakthrough or it's affiliates responsible and assume all responsibility for my wellbeing.

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