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Faith and the City 

Episode # 7

This week on the seventh episode of Faith and the City podcast, I will be speaking with Qarreo.

QARREO is the music duo consisting of Filipino singer/songwriter Amoré Be and American drummer/percussionist Joshua “JB” Benson. The word Qarreo means 'courageous' and 'of good cheer' (a.k.a. 'good vibes'). While launching in 2020, overcoming fear has emerged as a natural theme in their songwriting. Pulling from different influences, their sound is a dynamic blend of both of their musical backgrounds into an 'ethereal eclectic' genre all their own, fusing rock, blues, electronica, hip hop, reggae, and dub. This blend is unified with a mysterious, ethereal sound often described as dreamy and contemplative.

They are now based in Nashville, sharing new music with the world as Qarreo. This is their most personal project yet, with intimate songwriting of love, life, and healing. Being visual artists as well, they combine their passion for art and music by producing powerful sights and sounds for the world’s eyes, ears, and hearts.

Follow Qarreo on all social media and music platforms: @qarreomusic

Qarreo | The Little Drummer Boy :

Book link:

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Faith and the City 

Episode # 6

 On the sixth episode of Faith and the City podcast, I will be speaking with Meli Richardson. Meli is a holistic health coach, yoga instructor, and flow artist. Her passion is to help others with self commitment by going from a victim mentality to living victoriously. She created her own online course called Choose Yourself Academy, where she helps others discover their power and ways to implement that into their daily lives. Join us today as we talk about the Earth school that we all reside in currently and how taking Big jumps into the unknown can catapult you into your life purpose.

To get connected to her personally and learn more about what she does please follow her on Instagram @melibewell 

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Faith and the City 

Episode # 5

 On the fifth episode of Faith and the City podcast, I will be speaking with Marcus Gad. Marcus is a powerful influencer through his art of music. He is from a very beautiful island in South Pacific Melanesia. Yes, you read that right, New Caledonia, Deep Roots Kanaky. Literally over a day away by multiple planes from the states. He is a bold seeker of truth and what I would call a warrior for the kingdom of God. His weapons of choice are Truth, Unity and Love, which I relate as many of you know. Along with his soul family, Marcus Gad & Tribe bring a unique, spiritual, bold and eclectic reggae vibe to the world. Offering sensational, emotional and multi-cultured sounds that echo truth within the lyrics that will stay with you way after the song ends. Every song speaks a different story, but the end message is always the same, One Love. 🖤❤️💛💚🖤

Join us as we freestyle our convo by letting Spirt lead us, though I’m sure it will most likely be about music, spirituality, and how no matter how far the physical 3D distance may be, the message that is reaching the ends of Earth, is eternal! 

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Faith and the City 

Episode # 4

On the fourth episode of Faith and the City podcast, I will be speaking with Melanie Lyn Randle. Mel is a wellness warrior! Her and I met when her husband Mike was doing some work on my home and I had absolutely no furniture, no clothes, no personal belongings, nothing but some all natural cleaning products and an essential oil diffuser! Mike and I had talked about music, God and natural health and I remember it like it was yesterday when he said almost shouting “you need to meet my wife!” And sure enough as soon as we met we were instant besties. 👯‍♀️

In the last couple years we’ve been with each other as friends through such crazy times in our lives not only with society changing but family, friends and just doing life. Today she’s going to share a little bit about her journey of being a new mom in this post pandemic world, her experience of a natural home-birth, and how she fights for the truth despite the opposition and persecution she may receive. If you’d like to follow her and learn more about her journey you can find her @randleadventures

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Faith and the City 

Episode # 3

On the third episode of Faith and the City podcast, I will be speaking with Aqeel Warix. Aqeel is a warrior for the kingdom of God. He has not only been doing this ministry at a very young age before the pandemic, but now with the catastrophic flooding in Pakistan, the mission just got more intense. Like I mentioned in the beginning of this episode, please have patience with the audio and video with this interview. Our connection with all of the power outages at this time in Pakistan was not good, you’ll notice that the video starts off with him in the dark, as if we are going to be having a fun scary story night around a bonfire. But this is no made up scary story, the tragedies that are going on in Pakistan are real and earthshaking, as are many around the world at this time. As for today, we’re going to try to salvage some of what he said in our rocky interview and follow up in the future for updates, so please stay tuned. Though this is a tragic time we don’t preach the doom and gloom. There is a lot going on in Pakistan no doubt, but there are still a lot of good people like Aqeel in this world and this message is positive. He has an absolute fun time too with the youth, bringing the joy to those in need and being a vessel where God has planted him. Please support him, the mission and Pakistan in prayer. 

If you’d like to connect with him personally in any way his Facebook page and ministry can be found here.

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Faith and the City 

Episode # 2

On the second episode of Faith and the City podcast, I will be speaking with Erin Attere. Erin is a social impact entrepreneur, fair trade champion, global change agent, and women’s empowerment leader. She left a successful career in corporate America to stop missing her kids’ birthdays, and start living a life by design.

Her company, Threads Worldwide, creates life changing work for women through the sale of fair trade jewelry. Artisan partners in 8 different countries transform materials like paper and bullet shell casings into stunning art. Through this work, partners are able to leave the sex trade, provide for their families, and send their children to school. Erin is passionate about changing the culture of work and motherhood here in the states, so is proud to lead a team of impact-driven women to become the best and most authentic version of themselves through entrepreneurship and global empowerment.

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Faith and the City 

Episode # 1

On the first episode of Faith and the City podcast, I will be speaking with Kitrina Chaapel-Shuey. Kitrina is a licensed nurse, certified wound specialist, realtor, sister, wife, mom, natural health enthusiast, soon to be entrepreneur, but most importantly she is a beautiful child of God. She was kind enough to share how she recently discovered just that and a little bit of her journey with me as she navigated through the pandemic and how her recent experiences involving loss/grief, a personal struggle with Lyme disease and a recalibration of life has brought her down a path with God she never would have anticipated. 

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