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"When you go through hell long enough, you catch fire.

Use that fire to set the world ablaze with the greatest love story ever told."



Known as "V" by family and friends, Valerie Giacobbe was born on the southside of Chicago and raised in the Mohave Valley of western Arizona. She struggled with her identity and fitting in, leading to bouts of depression, anxiety, and other health issues. In 2002, her grandma's passing from a battle with cancer and her own personal struggles, lit a fire inside of her. She desired to seek God deeper and have a better understanding of health and healing.  She spent the following 20 years studying Biblical scripture, world Spirituality and natural health.  She obtained a license in cosmetology, began her beauty and wellness business VBella, which specializes in low to non-toxic beauty treatments, After surviving trauma and abuse she discovered the keys of transformation and broke free from religious constraints and traditional methods. She then umbrellaed her businesses under one, now known as Beauty Through Breakthrough, which helps women recover from the emotional effects of trauma and discover their true beauty. She comes with a mixture of deep spirituality of the Eastern Philosophy teachings of Swami Vivekananda, biblical knowledge and world spirituality.  After walking along the palm-tree lined river and desert washes in the hot Sunshine, discovering crystals, apothecary, ancient native wisdom and certified academics, she offers an eclectic array of services to most any client. Her goal is to inspire others to take faith and wellness beyond the typical church and medical settings.  She wholeheartedly clings to the belief that our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made and are capable of healing themselves given the proper attention. She attended Trinity School of Natural Health to become a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Lyme Specialist. She is a speaker, writer, natural health practitioner, mixed martial artist, singer, musician, teacher, philanthropist, and cosmetologist, but most importantly a lightworker sent to bring Joy!

 Her heart posture is always to partner with God to cultivate inner beauty and wellness in everyone she meets.


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"Get the word out. Teach all these things. And donā€™t let anyone put you down because youā€™re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayedā€”keep that dusted off and in use."

1 Timothy 4:11-16

By continuing to browse this site you agree to the following statement:

I understand that I am here to learn about nutrition, beauty and better health practices, that I may be offered information about but not limited to; food supplements, holistic modalities, herbs, homeopathics, remedies, intuitive messages, cosmetics, gemstones, etc. as a guide to general good health, and this is a personal/spiritual ministry. I fully understand that anyone at Beauty Through Breakthrough, LLC d/b/a VBella who counsels me is not a medical doctor and I am not here for medical diagnostic purpose or treatment procedures. I am not on this website, or any other page social media or other wiseā€‹ associated with Beauty Through Breakthrough, LLC d/b/a VBella or it's affiliates, an agent for federal, state or local agencies or on a mission of entrapment or investigation. The statements made here are at all times restricted to consultation on beauty, nutritional and lifestyle matters intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of natural health, and do not involve the diagnosing, treatment or prescribing of remedies for disease. I do not hold Beauty Through Breakthrough or it's affiliates responsible and assume all responsibility for my wellbeing.

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