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I go above and beyond to meet the beauty needs of my clientele. I stay up on the latest trends, educate my guests on ways to maintain and achieve their desired results with manageable, cost effective and realistic solutions. I do my best to maintain satisfied clients by teaming up with them on their journey to be the most beautiful version of themselves. A personal belief I take very seriously is that beauty starts within and goes way beyond the mirror. I take client confidentiality and privacy very seriously as well and create a comfortable environment to accommodate most any guest. 

Thank you for choosing me as your beauty professional, my hope is that this is the beginning of a life-long client stylist relationship.

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By continuing to browse this site you agree to the following statement:

I understand that I am here to learn about nutrition, beauty and better health practices, that I may be offered information about but not limited to; food supplements, holistic modalities, herbs, homeopathics, remedies, intuitive messages, cosmetics, gemstones, etc. as a guide to general good health, and this is a personal/spiritual ministry. I fully understand that anyone at Beauty Through Breakthrough, LLC d/b/a VBella who counsels me is not a medical doctor and I am not here for medical diagnostic purpose or treatment procedures. I am not on this website, or any other page social media or other wise​ associated with Beauty Through Breakthrough, LLC d/b/a VBella or it's affiliates, an agent for federal, state or local agencies or on a mission of entrapment or investigation. The statements made here are at all times restricted to consultation on beauty, nutritional and lifestyle matters intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of natural health, and do not involve the diagnosing, treatment or prescribing of remedies for disease. I do not hold Beauty Through Breakthrough or it's affiliates responsible and assume all responsibility for my wellbeing.

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